
911! Someone stole my thunder!

It’s been a while since I’ve last blogged. I use the term loosely, as I’m not sure my “research project” in which I analyzed the occurrence of buttchins in my favorite sports and Hollywood celebrities counts as such. If you go beyond that, you would be confronted with my livejournal career which began when I was seventeen, where I unveiled a life of angst and armageddon through tri-weekly updates containing my deepest and most dark of secrets.

Looking back, my secrets were neither deep nor dark, just a teenagers’ ineloquent diatribes chronicling years of self-obsession.

Then I grew up. At least I tried to. I left the majority of my friends, picked up, and moved to Chicago. I don’t have a job or any prospects really, and school doesn’t start for another month. It's just I noticed a couple of my friends spring-boarding into the blogosphere. Not one to be outdone, I figured it was time for me to steal some thunder and limelight and whatever else I can get my grubby little paws on.

1 comment:

  1. I've got my eye on you. And the other eye on my lunch. Cause Im hungry. But one is definitely on you, Nowacki. Being the shrewd business man you are, you may want to discuss a merger on my NEW blog reserved strictly for business, at http://suckonthatrex.blogspot.com/

    Im trying to drive as many hits to it as possible. Google and BalsinskiCorp. (my proprietorship) have an advertisement contract that needs honoring. You want in? I thought you would.

    jk. Damn son. how's Chicago? Im diggin the suit.
